
Green Aventurine Band Ring

Green Aventurine Band Ring for Abundance, Growth


Green Aventurine Band Ring- The combination of green aventurine’s luck-attracting properties and the stability symbolized by the band ring creates a powerful talisman for prosperity and enduring success. It serves as a reminder to embrace opportunities and maintain resilience.

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A Green Aventurine Band Ring is a beautiful piece of jewelry that combines the soothing, vibrant green of aventurine with the classic simplicity of a band ring.  Green aventurine is often referred to as the “Stone of Opportunity,” believed to attract luck, abundance, and prosperity. It is commonly associated with good fortune and new beginnings. The ring can also symbolize a union of creativity and completeness. It inspires the wearer to pursue new ideas and projects while maintaining a sense of wholeness and unity in their endeavors.

Crystal Useful in:

1) Emotional Balance and Strength.
2) Luck and Prosperity.
3) Growth and Confidence.
4) Healing and enhancing physical vitality.

Please Note:

1) Always keep the rocks & gemstones away from water, perfumes and lotions.
2) Each stone is unique in its own way. There might be slight color, shape & texture differences from the one in picture.
3) For Returns & Refunds, Pls refer to our return and refund policy
4) All Crystals are ethically sourced and charged with Love, Light and reiki/positive energy prior to delivery. We encourage regular cleaning and charging of crystals to preserve the energy of the crystals.
5) Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but a part of a holistic healing approach. It cannot be treated as a replacement of any medical treatment.

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